Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reaching Thousands

WOW! Imagine preaching to hundreds of thousands of people all at the same time. People receiving the Word of God and their lives being impacted and changed. Bodies healed, relationships restored, financial increase. Can you just see it? I can. Why? Because that is precisely what we are doing.

Every week we are speaking into the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Yes, through internet and broadcast radio. Something I never really considered doing as part of this ministry.

How did this all come about? By praying and listening getting the vision down on the inside and taking steps towards the goal.

Habakkuk 2:2 (KJV) “And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision. And make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”

That is such simple advice from God, yet many of us never take that first step. Write out that vision. See it in front of you and get a word picture of what He has already placed inside you. He gives us the desires of our heart, according to Psalm 37. The Lord has placed in you desires to great exploits for His glory.

We also sowed financially into a ministry that already has radio programs. I like to think of it as sealing it. I put faith in action by supporting a work that is doing what I am called to do. The Bible tells us that whatever a man sows that shall he also reap. (Galatians 6:7 paraphrased.)

As the vision unfolded before us, we took the initiative to get understanding. The who, what, where, and how to do this. Then as we continued to speak and confess what the Lord had said for us to do, His favor was in action behind the scene. Not long after He told us to go on broadcast radio, we were contacted by a broadcast company that owns several stations. They found us! Not only did they find us, they gave us a great timeslot. That not only happened once but twice now.

What is the Lord telling you, showing you in your spirit? Start today and get His vision for your life in front of your eyes. Take steps towards that vision and watch the Lord do mighty works through you.

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